Book Cover Designer Portfolios: What to Look for and How to Evaluate Them

When it comes to self-publishing, one of the most critical aspects is your book's cover design. A professional and eye-catching cover can make all the difference in capturing the attention of potential readers. That's why it's essential to evaluate book cover designer portfolios carefully before choosing the perfect one for your project. In this article, […]

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Book Cover Designer

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Book Cover Designer

As an author, you understand the importance of a professional book cover design in drawing readers to your work. While you might be tempted to DIY the cover design, there are several reasons why it's best to leave this task to the experts. Before you choose a book cover designer, it's essential to ask the […]

10 Questions for Vivian Arend

With over 2.5 million books sold, Vivian Arend is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 65 contemporary and paranormal romance books, including the Six Pack Ranch and Granite Lake Wolves. Do you remember the moment that you decided on becoming a writer? What would you say has been the catalyst […]

Hardcover vs Paperback – Which is right for your book?


The humble book cover was initially designed to do nothing more than protect the valuable pages it encapsulated. At a time when a monk could spend a literal lifetime creating a perfectly crafted copy of the King James Bible, you didn’t want Gary from accounting strolling through and spilling his morning coffee on the lovingly […]

How Does the Damonza Cover Design Process Play Out?

Design Process

Producing a beautiful cover for your newly completed book is the last leg of the journey – the final wrapping of the literary gift. But for those in the market for a cover, how exactly does this process play out? Without intending to pump up our own tyres, with 30 years of combined experience, here […]

Things to Think about When It Comes to Creating Your Book’s Title

Your book’s title. Never will an author place so high a value on so small an amount of words. And by no means is the magnitude of this choice misguided. Choosing a title will be as big a decision as any that you’ll make in the writing process. No pressure. What makes a good title? […]

The 5 Traits That All Successful Authors Share


If you want to be a 100 metre sprinter, you need more than just the sort of quick twitch fibres that’ll carry you to the finish line in around 10 seconds. If you’re hoping to become an actor the ability to convey stylised emotion is a non-negotiable, but it alone won’t get you drowned out […]

What Do I Look for in a Good Book Cover Design Firm?

It's us

In certain professions, ability, to some degree, can be measured at a glance. If you want to hire a jockey, don’t go for the one who looks just as likely to eat the horse as he does to ride it. If you’re hunting for a mountainous bowl of traditional Italian pasta, a Nonna with a […]

6 Common Self-Publishing Slip-Ups – and How to Avoid Them

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” Good point Teddy Roosevelt. And as a self-publishing author you are most certainly doing something, so it’s inevitable that there’ll be a few slip-ups along the way. But there’s no need to make mistakes that others – bless their cotton […]

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