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A hearty high-five for snagging at least one Standard Ebook and Print Cover Design voucher! You’re now the proud owner of one or more tickets to literary enchantment, valid for any time in 2024 (post-January 8th). Get ready to transform those words into wonders!

Here’s the scoop:  Right this moment, we’re zipping an email your way with your confirmation. Inside, you’ll find a super-special coupon code, ready to unlock bookish brilliance at your whim. Keep it safe – it’s your golden key to our creative kingdom! If you haven’t received that email in a few minutes, please check your Spam/Junk folder (how dare they consider this junk?). If there’s no luck there, please email us at damonza@damonza.com.

Remember, this isn’t just a voucher – it’s a promise of magic, waiting to be unleashed. So whenever you’re ready, we’ll be here to sprinkle some Damonza dazzle on your words.

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