6 Common Self-Publishing Slip-Ups – and How to Avoid Them
“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” Good point Teddy Roosevelt. And as a self-publishing author you are most certainly doing something, so it’s inevitable that there’ll be a few slip-ups along the way. But there’s no need to make mistakes that others – bless their cotton […]
Why Formatting and Editing Are Self-Publishing Non-Negotiables
Formatting is like refereeing – you don’t notice it until it’s done badly. Editing is like housework – it’s only appreciated when it is lacking. Formatting and editing are so often self-publishing afterthoughts. After the hard slog of writing a fully-fledged novel, it’s perhaps unsurprising that some authors aren’t that keen to go over the […]
Proofreading: Getting a Second Set of Eyes on Your Book
No one sets out to make mistakes, and because of that it can be tempting to think you never make any. Often you’ll only realise when they’re pointed out to you, at which point you’ll be plagued with thoughts of how the hell it happened. A short novel like The Great Gatsby is made up […]