How to Self-Publish Your Next Book Using Amazon KDP

Welcome to the exciting world of self-publishing! In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of publishing your book with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Let's dive into the first steps to make your literary masterpiece available to the world. What is Amazon KDP? Amazon KDP has become a popular choice for authors looking […]
Things to Think about When It Comes to Creating Your Book’s Title

Your book’s title. Never will an author place so high a value on so small an amount of words. And by no means is the magnitude of this choice misguided. Choosing a title will be as big a decision as any that you’ll make in the writing process. No pressure. What makes a good title? […]
The 5 Traits That All Successful Authors Share

If you want to be a 100 metre sprinter, you need more than just the sort of quick twitch fibres that’ll carry you to the finish line in around 10 seconds. If you’re hoping to become an actor the ability to convey stylised emotion is a non-negotiable, but it alone won’t get you drowned out […]
6 Common Self-Publishing Slip-Ups – and How to Avoid Them

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” Good point Teddy Roosevelt. And as a self-publishing author you are most certainly doing something, so it’s inevitable that there’ll be a few slip-ups along the way. But there’s no need to make mistakes that others – bless their cotton […]
4 Authors Who Began Their Careers Writing One Thing and Finished with Another

For many an actor, typecasting is somewhat inevitable. We don’t expect Johnny Knoxville to take on the role of Hamlet, nor do we expect Morgan Freeman to provide us with anything but voice overs as God from here on in. It’s not necessarily a bad thing; it could simply be that we’d struggle to imagine […]
What Makes a Good Author Bio?

Ask any author (or indeed yourself): what’s the hardest thing to write about? Extreme violence? Affairs of the heart? Particle physics? Sure, they can all be difficult, but by no means do they take the cake. The worst, most painful thing that any writer will write about, science has confirmed, is themselves. Like yodelling on […]
10 Questions for Lee Goldberg

A writer’s journey and experiences can be as interesting as the stories they write. Lee’s story and perspective reflects some reality of the business of becoming a #1 bestselling author. Lee Goldberg is an ex-Navy SEAL, nuclear physicist and a professional Daniel Craig impersonator. Okay, that’s not true but we had you for a second. […]